Ocean Data Conference & IODE XXVII - 20-24 march 2023

Ocean Data Conference

Since IODE-XXII (2013) every Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) has been preceded by a Scientific Workshop or Conference. On this web site you will find information on the Conferences held as from 2022:

The IODC-II will focus on the implementation of those commitments and recommendations, and report on the problems faced, solutions found, lessons learned and challenges identified.
The expected outcome will be guidance for the international ocean data and information community aimed at realizing the implementation of the ocean data and information “global commons”by 2030.

Want to know more about IODE: www.iode.org or enter your details on the Ocean Expert directory : www.oceanexpert.org


The 27th Session of the IODE Committee will be held at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris between 22-24 March 2023 (Room XI). The Session will be preceded by a 2-day conference "Second International Ocean Data Conference" also at UNESCO HQ (Room XII).

You can find more information on UNESCO Headquarters (where is it, how to get there) from the UNESCO web site HERE.

Event page can be found here: https://oceanexpert.org/event/3615